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We are excited to be hosting one of only 3 Qualifier Events for SPL3 Parkour World Championships. You can compete or test your abilities in up to 3 competition categories. Top finishers in each category will earn a spot to compete against the best in the world this August. SPL3 will be held at Origins Parkour in Vancouver, BC, August 16th to 18th.

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Compete in the
2024 SPL3 Season.
Win your place at the
parkour world
championships - SPL3



Day 1: Jam Round 

All athletes in each division compete in the competition arena at the same time. Athletes are challenged to complete 6 challenges with a time limit of 20 minutes. Point advantages go toward athletes completing all challenges in the least amount of time.


Up to 25 Athletes will move on to Day 2.


Day 2: Timed Round

Athletes compete one at a time on a course consisting of 5 challenges. They are given 2 minutes to complete as many challenges as possible. A point advantage is awarded to the athlete that completes all challenges the fastest.


Points will be cumulative across both days of competition.


Day 1 & 2: Speed Courses

Athletes will compete on 1 speed course each day of competition. SPL speed courses consist of a digitally automated start/end point and flagged checkpoints that athletes must navigate on the course. Athletes are given practice time prior to their participation in the event. Athletes are awarded points based on their ranking.


All competitors will move on to Day 2.


Rank points will be cumulative across both days of competition.


Day 1: Jam Round (Combos)

The competition arena has 3 designated zones (spots). Athletes are given practice time where they are tasked with coming up with a combo in each spot. A combo is defined as 2 - 3 moves rapidly connected without extra movements or set-ups between them. Athletes will receive a ranking after each combo based on the judges overall impression. After all athletes complete their 3rd combo they will receive a final ranking and rank points will be assigned to each athlete. 


Up to 20 Athletes will move on to Day 2.


Day 2: Line Round

Athletes are given practice time where they are tasked to design a line in a designated area. A line is defined as a fluidly constructed set of moves that lasts less than 15 seconds.They will only have one attempt to showcase their line during the competition. Judges will provide one score out of 10 for each athlete based on overall impression.


Points will be cumulative across both days of competition.


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