Under 12's, Under 16's & 16 +

We are proud to launch Projects from Project, a new initiative designed to benefit the Parkour community in the UK and beyond. Funded by the proceeds of the Project Underground Parkour competition.
This has been a goal from the very beginning. In previous years, the competition has run at a loss. Due to the ongoing support and the growth of the competition, this is changing.
How it works
The surplus funds will be tallied and set aside.
Organisations / Projects / Individuals will be able to apply for a part of the fund via the application form.
A maximum amount will be set.
A panel, headed by Liam Norbury and the parkour team at Nova will evaluate the applications
Funds will be distributed
Funds will be limited to the surplus we create during Project Underground. We are expecting many more applications than the funds can support.
Buying tickets to the event directly supports the programme as well as any sponsorship we receive.
We are looking for Sponsorships to support the event. The funds provided help pay for the event and will then directly support Projects from Project. Alternatively, if you want to directly support the funding programme please get in touch.
What will it fund?

The small grant funding can be used for:
Staffing to deliver new physical activity opportunities
Volunteering to support new physical activity opportunities
DBS checks (where appropriate)
Equipment, resources and materials
Hire of facilities to support new physical activity opportunities
Transport of participants
Marketing or publicity
Programmes that meet the BOPPAA objectives
Please note: The funding cannot be used to cover the costs of any purchases already undertaken
Who can apply?
Aiming to support the whole parkour community in all its iterations is a complex task. We know all too well that trying to fit into a box to gain access to funds or even just help can be frustrating. We will aim to remove as many barriers to participation in this initiative as possible, whilst protecting the integrity of the initiative, parkour and the community. In this first year, we will focus on work delivered in the UK only. Therefore, we have established our initial working guidelines to aid in your application when assessing your suitability.
We will look at the following 3 subcategories
Established parkour organisations
Established businesses, registered companies/not-for-profits and charities based around parkour.
Will have their own business bank account
Have official registration (Companies House, Charity Commission)
Organisations applying should be able to show that:
Their activities are open and accessible to all
Their activities primarily benefit those living in the UK
Their proposed activities contribute to the objectives of the initiative and the wider goals of NovaCity. (as outlined above)
Organisations applying will need to provide evidence of their organisation’s:
Governing documentation (e.g. constitution)
Bank account details (in the organisation, group or club name)
Liability insurance for delivery of the activity for which funding is being sought
Qualification(s) for delivery of the activity for which funding is being sought, where appropriate
Safeguarding Policy/Statement/Health and Safety Policy
Organisations granted funding will be required to sign a NovaCity Sub-Contract for Provision of Services to access funding through the PFP initiative. This will document timescales and any evidence/reporting requirements in relation to the funding.
Start-Up/New Parkour Projects
New ideas/first projects
Small community groups
Will look to have their own organisation bank account (ability to separate funds)
Look to be set up with formal rules (self-employed coaches, small group organisations, non-formal constituted groups/organisations
Those applying should be able to show that:
Their activities are open and accessible to all
Their activities primarily benefit those living in the UK
Their proposed activities contribute to the objectives of the PFP initiative and the wider goals of NovaCity. (as outlined above)
You will need to provide evidence of their organisation’s:
Governing documentation/evidence of coaching guidelines/ability (e.g. constitution)
Bank account details (in the organisation, group or club name)
Liability insurance for delivery of the activity for which funding is being sought
Qualification(s) for delivery of the activity for which funding is being sought, where appropriate
Safeguarding Policy/Statement/Health and Safety Policy
Organisations/individuals granted funding will be required to sign a NovaCity Sub-Contract for Provision of Services to access funding through the PFP initiative. This will document timescales and any evidence/reporting requirements in relation to the funding.
Individual Projects – Including Athletes/Coaches
Individual Coaches (those looking to get into coaching formally)
Athletes looking for support
Individual Parkour based ideas and projects
Those applying should be able to show that:
Their activities/projects are primarily parkour-based or support the growth of parkour
Their activities primarily benefit those living in the UK
Their proposed activities contribute to the objectives of the PFP initiative and the wider goals of NovaCity. (as outlined above)
Athletes must be of a higher level – looking for Parkour opportunities to support them professionally
Evidence for this strand can be more difficult to process and provide a set of guidelines for. We will look at every application and each will be assessed on merit.
The guidelines above are non-exhaustive, and many projects/ideas may feel they fit into multiple strands. The guidelines exist to create transparency and are designed to create a paper trail and record of funds provided to protect everyone involved in the PFP programme.
After the initial application, there will be follow-up checks to ensure a high degree of probability of success.

Apply to the 2025 fund
The next programme opens
1st April